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Encaustic Fine Artist

The 2023 edition of the pictorial collection of Shima Shanti’s original encaustic artworks, Shima Shanti, Encaustic Fine Artist and Inspired Writer features thirty-one original artworks paired with her intuitively-inspired writing. This contemplative collection attests to the depth and breadth of the artist’s skilled technique in the rare and ancient medium of painting with beeswax and fire.

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Encaustic Fine Artist

Shima Shanti, Encaustic Fine Artist is a pictorial collection of Shima Shanti’s original encaustic artworks created over the last three years. Featuring five collections and thirty-three original artworks the contemplative book reveals the depth and breadth of Shima’s art and the unique medium of painting with beeswax and fire. Each collection opens with a contemplative musing by the artist that draws the reader and viewer into an understanding and reflection of the artist’s inspired process.

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Tears of Jupiter

Tears of Jupiter is the story of one woman’s pilgrimage through Portugal and Spain on the sacred Camino de Santiago — told through each footstep on her journey. In this endearing memoir, Shima honors the significance of looking back in order to move forward. In a foreign country, with nothing but a backpack and her thoughts, she walked nearly 500 kilometers in unyielding rain. This heart-searching solitude gave her a clear understanding of her Divine purpose and for Shima Shanti nothing was more profound.

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